The annual program
2023-2024 to come...
Matin: Jeux libres
Midi: Sortie - Repas - sieste (au besoin)
Après-midi: Jeux libres - activités selon programme UAPE - activités annexes
Price per hour
CHF / Heure
Ces horaires ont lieu tous les jours ouvrés. Voici la liste des jours jours fériés ou l'UAPE est fermé. Les camps sont alors disponibles.
Assistant in charge of UAPE
Céline Jeannet
Socio-educational assistant in charge of UAPE
I completed my diploma as a socio-educational assistant in the spring, after working for ten years in the early childhood sector. Before that, I trained for 3 years as a midwife in Geneva. Alongside my work with children, I have a diploma in adult foreign language training, 45 hours of basic training in nonviolent communication, and 42 hours of basic training in cognitive neuroscience. I’m looking forward to this new adventure at Great Hope Montessori.
I also look forward to collaborating with you, so please don’t hesitate to share your suggestions, observations, and thoughts about the UAPE.